
Recipe Book


About this Blog



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This recipe blog is not your typical recipe blog. I love searching and finding new recipes online, but there are two things that vex me about typical recipe blogs. This includes 1 ) the amount of ads that appropriate any space available on a website, and 2 ) scrolling through endless pictures and explanations of why I should try said recipe. I personally don't have time to enjoy food stories, I just need the recipe. That is why I decided to make a blog that is more of an online recipe book. It will also include baking tips and helps to help you become a better baker. Getting all my recipes up has proven excruciatingly slow as life seems to keep me busy doing pretty much everything else, but eventually I hope to have a lot more recipes to offer than what is currently available! 

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Jenny Baird

hobby baker

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These are my most requested recipes!

100% Whole Wheat Bread

If you have ever found yourself searching for that perfect 100% whole wheat bread that specifically works for sandwiches, look no further! This recipe is perfect for sandwiches and makes the BEST toast topped with honey or homemade jam!

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NanaiMo Bars

Nanaimo Bars are a Canadian classic, with a chocolate cookie/nut/coconut base, a rich and creamy custard center, topped off with delicious dark chocolate ganache. Don't live in Canada? I've posted an alternative ingredient if you can't find Bird's Custard Powder. 

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Chocolate Custard PIe

I was never a fan of chocolate pie until I created this chocolate custard pie. It  is simply an amazing pie crust recipe combined with the most delicious chocolate custard you've ever had. Learn to master the chocolate custard and your life will change! (along with your pant size)  

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Baking Tips

Baking TIps

Browse Tips

What is buttermilk and why should you use it in your cake recipe?

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Gluten is important in the development of breads. But what is it and how do you know when you've kneaded your dough enough?

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Every Baker Should KNow this!

4 extremely simple, yet key things to remember that will help anyone working in the kitchen! 

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Contact me


If you have any questions, would like a specific recipe, or would be willing to share your favorite recipe, reach out to me at bakedwithoutabox@gmail.com